Working in the Field
As personnel who have not been exposed to Assist until now begin to learn the software, the details of your daily work environment may need to undergo some adjustments to make the installation of Assist a success. During this mission-critical step, readiness really pays off. Your project team may provide user department training prior to "going live", and/or we can provide our consultants. Since we've "been there" before, we can bring a confident level of expertise to help you make this transition.
Video Training Platform
Assist offers an easy to view readily available training platform for customers who select to deploy it. Each user can have access to a series of training videos designed to educate and train on a specific task or department. Testing accompanies the training to ensure that each user has actually viewed the training and absorbed the material.
Customer Support
The standard support agreement not only entitles you to Help Desk support, but also updated documentation, future releases and upgrades and standard software fixes as required in our normal programs. Assist offers the benefit of support to certified custom enhancements related to Assist.
When you call Help Desk, a support representative will answer and log the call, gathering the necessary information. The support representative will either answer your question immediately or return the call with a resolution to the issue. Occasionally you may need to be called back with the resolution or expected time for completion of an application patch.
The Help Desk staff consists of both functional and technical representatives. The representatives are available to answer calls between 7 am and 5:30 pm Mountain Time. For emergencies during evening and weekend hours when the Assist application is experiencing downtime and critical functions are not available, your call is taken by an answering service and an on-call support representative is paged. You will be contacted within one hour for calls that cannot wait until the next business day.
Intuitive and Easy To Use
The Assist ERP Software is intuitive and easy to understand and use. But the vast complexity of its capabilities requires that each individual be trained on the specific functions they will need to do their job more effectively. Assist offers powerful, easy to use, on-demand training.
On-Demand Training
The Assist Training Platform is available anytime, from anywhere. Employees and staff can login to the system on any Internet enabled computer or tablet and begin training on any part of the Assist software.
Media Rich Learning Experience
Your staff can learn from a variety of content including text , slide shows, video, audio and graphical explanations.
Exams and Assessment Tools
Management can login to discover how each employee is doing with the material. Exams and assessment tool allow management to follow the progress of each employee to ensure that they are up-to-speed on the functionality of Assist in order to improve all business functions.
Collaboration With Co-Learners
The platform includes built-in forums, discussion boards and an internal messaging system so employees can collaborate with co-workers to help them understand features of the software.
Intuitive User Interface
The training platform is designed just like any online training program with a user-friendly interface for your staff.
Video Training
Much of the training can be watched on easy to understand videos that explain how to do most tasks with screen views of the Assist interface to accompany the explanations. That makes it easy for employees to simply watch and learn, then take an exam to ensure they understood the information. Managers can assess how the progress is going and offer assistance to those who tend to learn more slowly.